使用 req 快速封装 SDK


利用 req 强大而又灵活的特性,我们可以针对服务端提供的 API 快速封装出好用的 golang SDK。


  1. reqClient 嵌入到 SDK 核心的 struct 中,为所有 API 请求设置共同的属性(请求头,认证信息,URL 地址前缀等)。
  2. 处理 response 时,将一些通用处理逻辑提取出来,注册到 response 中间件里进行处理(处理 server 返回非预期的状态码,处理 API 返回错误)。
  3. 在 SDK 中集成 req 强大的 API Debug 能力,在使用该 SDK 的程序中可以动态决定是否打开 Debug。
  4. 封装 API 的实现方法里,通常只需要根据 API 设置好需要的参数与要响应的对象然后直接返回即可,一般只需要几行代码。

本文以 GitHub API 为例,封装一个简单又强大的 SDK。

开发 Github SDK 的代码示例

为 GitHub 定义一个 Client,使用 req 进行封装,client.go:

import (

// GithubClient is the go client for GitHub API.
type GithubClient struct {
  isLogged bool

// NewGithubClient create a GitHub client.
func NewGithubClient() *GithubClient {
  c := req.C().
    // All GitHub API requests need this header.
    SetCommonHeader("Accept", "application/vnd.github.v3+json").
    // All GitHub API requests use the same base URL.
    // Enable dump at the request level for each request, which dump content into
    // memory (not print to stdout), we can record dump content only when unexpected
    // exception occurs, it is helpful to troubleshoot problems in production.
    // Unmarshal all GitHub error response into struct.
    // Handle common exceptions in response middleware.
    OnAfterResponse(func(client *req.Client, resp *req.Response) error {
      if resp.Err != nil { // There is an underlying error, e.g. network error or unmarshal error.
        return nil
      if apiErr, ok := resp.ErrorResult().(*APIError); ok {
        // Server returns an error message, convert it to human-readable go error.
        resp.Err = apiErr
        return nil
      // Corner case: neither an error state response nor a success state response,
      // dump content to help troubleshoot.
      if !resp.IsSuccessState() {
        return fmt.Errorf("bad response, raw dump:\n%s", resp.Dump())
      return nil

  return &GithubClient{
    Client: c,

// APIError represents the error message that GitHub API returns.
// GitHub API doc: https://docs.github.com/en/rest/overview/resources-in-the-rest-api#client-errors
type APIError struct {
  Message          string `json:"message"`
  DocumentationUrl string `json:"documentation_url,omitempty"`
  Errors           []struct {
    Resource string `json:"resource"`
    Field    string `json:"field"`
    Code     string `json:"code"`
  } `json:"errors,omitempty"`

// Error convert APIError to a human readable error and return.
func (e *APIError) Error() string {
  msg := fmt.Sprintf("API error: %s", e.Message)
  if e.DocumentationUrl != "" {
    return fmt.Sprintf("%s (see doc %s)", msg, e.DocumentationUrl)
  if len(e.Errors) == 0 {
    return msg
  errs := []string{}
  for _, err := range e.Errors {
    errs = append(errs, fmt.Sprintf("resource:%s field:%s code:%s", err.Resource, err.Field, err.Code))
  return fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s)", msg, strings.Join(errs, " | "))

// LoginWithToken login with GitHub personal access token.
// GitHub API doc: https://docs.github.com/en/rest/overview/other-authentication-methods#authenticating-for-saml-sso
func (c *GithubClient) LoginWithToken(token string) *GithubClient {
  c.SetCommonHeader("Authorization", "token "+token)
  c.isLogged = true
  return c

// IsLogged return true is user is logged in, otherwise false.
func (c *GithubClient) IsLogged() bool {
  return c.isLogged

// SetDebug enable debug if set to true, disable debug if set to false.
func (c *GithubClient) SetDebug(enable bool) *GithubClient {
  if enable {
  } else {
  return c


import (

// GetMyProfile return the user profile of current authenticated user.
// Github API doc: https://docs.github.com/en/rest/users/users#get-the-authenticated-user
func (c *GithubClient) GetMyProfile(ctx context.Context) (user *UserProfile, err error) {
	err = c.Get("/user").

// GetUserProfile return the user profile of specified username.
// Github API doc: https://docs.github.com/en/rest/users/users#get-a-user
func (c *GithubClient) GetUserProfile(ctx context.Context, username string) (user *UserProfile, err error) {
		SetPathParam("username", username).

type UserProfile struct {
	Login             string    `json:"login"`
	Id                int       `json:"id"`
	NodeId            string    `json:"node_id"`
	AvatarUrl         string    `json:"avatar_url"`
	GravatarId        string    `json:"gravatar_id"`
	Url               string    `json:"url"`
	HtmlUrl           string    `json:"html_url"`
	FollowersUrl      string    `json:"followers_url"`
	FollowingUrl      string    `json:"following_url"`
	GistsUrl          string    `json:"gists_url"`
	StarredUrl        string    `json:"starred_url"`
	SubscriptionsUrl  string    `json:"subscriptions_url"`
	OrganizationsUrl  string    `json:"organizations_url"`
	ReposUrl          string    `json:"repos_url"`
	EventsUrl         string    `json:"events_url"`
	ReceivedEventsUrl string    `json:"received_events_url"`
	Type              string    `json:"type"`
	SiteAdmin         bool      `json:"site_admin"`
	Name              string    `json:"name"`
	Company           string    `json:"company"`
	Blog              string    `json:"blog"`
	Location          string    `json:"location"`
	Email             string    `json:"email"`
	Hireable          bool      `json:"hireable"`
	Bio               string    `json:"bio"`
	TwitterUsername   string    `json:"twitter_username"`
	PublicRepos       int       `json:"public_repos"`
	PublicGists       int       `json:"public_gists"`
	Followers         int       `json:"followers"`
	Following         int       `json:"following"`
	CreatedAt         time.Time `json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt         time.Time `json:"updated_at"`

好了,一个简单又强大的 GitHub SDK 封装完成,这里只封装了两个接口,但每个接口的实现函数都只需几行代码,可以以此类推快速的封装其它接口。

接下来我们使用该 SDK 写一个简单的可执行程序:

  1. 当给程序传入了一个 GitHub 的 username,表示查询该用户的信息。
  2. 当设置 TOKEN 环境变量表示登录 GitHub,查询当前登录用户的信息。
  3. 当设置 DEBUG 环境变量为 on 表示开启 Debug,打印请求详情。


import (

var github = NewGithubClient()

func init() {
	if os.Getenv("DEBUG") == "on" {
	if token := os.Getenv("TOKEN"); token != "" {

func main() {
	if len(os.Args) > 1 {
		username := os.Args[1]
		user, err := github.GetUserProfile(nil, username)
		if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("%s's website: %s\n", user.Name, user.Blog)
	if github.IsLogged() {
		user, err := github.GetMyProfile(nil)
		if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("%s's website: %s\n", user.Name, user.Blog)
	fmt.Println("please give an username or set TOKEN env")


$ go build -o test
$ ./test spf13
Steve Francia's website: http://spf13.com

提供错误的 TOKEN 运行:

$ export TOKEN=test
$ ./test
API error: Bad credentials (see doc https://docs.github.com/rest)

提供正确的 TOKEN 运行:

$ export TOKEN=ghp_Bi6T*****************************ai3
$ ./test
roc's website: https://imroc.cc

提供不存在的 username 运行:

$ ./test 683d977eb7854a43
API error: Not Found (see doc https://docs.github.com/rest/reference/users#get-a-user)

打开 Debug 运行:

$ export DEBUG=on
$ ./test
2022/05/26 21:26:46.485766 DEBUG [req] HTTP/2 GET https://api.github.com/user
:authority: api.github.com
:method: GET
:path: /user
:scheme: https
accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json
authorization: token ghp_Bi6T*****************************ai3
accept-encoding: gzip
user-agent: req/v3 (https://github.com/imroc/req)

:status: 200
server: GitHub.com
date: Thu, 26 May 2022 13:26:46 GMT
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
cache-control: private, max-age=60, s-maxage=60
vary: Accept, Authorization, Cookie, X-GitHub-OTP
etag: W/"8b43712c00d18ff0f692b0330329e5c4b4690b3ecd088a5603f1e699cadfc039"
last-modified: Tue, 03 May 2022 12:12:52 GMT
x-oauth-scopes: admin:enterprise, admin:gpg_key, admin:org, admin:org_hook, admin:public_key, admin:repo_hook, delete:packages, delete_repo, gist, notifications, repo, user, workflow, write:discussion, write:packages
github-authentication-token-expiration: 2022-06-25 09:33:01 UTC
x-github-media-type: github.v3; format=json
x-ratelimit-limit: 5000
x-ratelimit-remaining: 4992
x-ratelimit-reset: 1653572352
x-ratelimit-used: 8
x-ratelimit-resource: core
access-control-expose-headers: ETag, Link, Location, Retry-After, X-GitHub-OTP, X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Remaining, X-RateLimit-Used, X-RateLimit-Resource, X-RateLimit-Reset, X-OAuth-Scopes, X-Accepted-OAuth-Scopes, X-Poll-Interval, X-GitHub-Media-Type, X-GitHub-SSO, X-GitHub-Request-Id, Deprecation, Sunset
access-control-allow-origin: *
strict-transportWrapper-security: max-age=31536000; includeSubdomains; preload
x-frame-options: deny
x-content-type-options: nosniff
x-xss-protection: 0
referrer-policy: origin-when-cross-origin, strict-origin-when-cross-origin
content-security-policy: default-src 'none'
vary: Accept-Encoding, Accept, X-Requested-With
content-encoding: gzip
x-github-request-id: 42FE:77A0:7826:8159:628F8016

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roc's website: https://imroc.cc