Best Practices

This article will introduce some best practices for using req.

Reuse Client

Do not create Client for each Request, which will cause unnecessary overhead. Usually, we can reuse the same Client to send all requests.

var client = req.C()

func main() {
  resp, err := client.R().Get(url1)
  resp, err = client.R().Get(url2)

Let Your Program Support Enabling Debug

You can integrate the powerful debugging capabilities of req into your program, so that when you enable Debug, you can see the details of the request and response:

Unified Exception Handling Using Middleware

We can handle exceptions for all requests using req’s middleware to reduce duplicate code:

  • The error response message format of all APIs on the same server is usually the same. We can define a struct representing the error response and implement the error interface to uniformly convert the API error response into a go error and return.
  • When an unexpected response is returned, which is neither a successful response nor an error response. We can dump the HTTP content, and convert it into an error to return, which is helpful to troubleshoot problems.

Refer to Handle Exceptions with Middleware